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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chin Chun Su Face Cream Review

“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” 
― Coco Chanel

Hi Beauties! Today I'm gonna be reviewing the face cream that has been in the market for so long, I don't even know when it started sprouting out in your local drugstores. Ha! I know a lot of us is on the look out for any type of facial creams that would promise us great result which is sometimes sounded just too good to be true, maybe it really does? Who knows? Especially In the world of digital marketing and advertising, almost everyone knows how to photoshop E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G and A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G under the sun.

This product, you can't see at any advertisement on your television screen though, it just lays there at your drugstore waiting to be bought and to be tried out. Sooooo, here we go! On with the review.

Here's an overview of their company:

This company has devoted itself for many years for the development of a new kind of skin cream- CHIN CHUN SU FACE CREAM. It is made of high quality ingredients, the best cream for oriental skins both young and old. This new and improved cream makes your skin feels smooth and tender, helps skin from getting rough and dry.

Here on the other hand is the product's description:

Chin chun su facial cream is an all around non- irritant, powerful clearing and lightening facial cream, perfect for use on any external dark spots of your body such as the bikini area, armpit, nipple and knees. It is an excellent age defying cream against acne, age spots, dark spots, pimples, sun spots and wrinkle spots, thus making you look younger than your true age. Its very powerful clearing facial spots essence helps the body cure itself of skin problems caused by mother nature, time and environmental aggressors. This product is original and authentic, moisturize and prevents dry skin, can be used as a make up foundation, can be used all over your external body to remove blemishes and dark spots, can be used by young and old alike.

Here's what the product looks like:

Honestly, I have been using this product for the last 6-8 months I guess, and it really doesn't do much on my skin. I still get breakouts occasionally on my face especially on my cheek and forehead area, BUT when it comes to its whitening effect, i can see a lot of improvement with my complexion from the time period i started using this. My friends noticed that i became fairer and asks me what i did to achieve such fairer and lighter skin since I am originally a morena, I still am morena but i became lighter than my original skin tone, I just tell them I have been using whitening products such as Eskinol Pimple fighting facial cleanser and the Chin chun su face cream before i go to bed. *I did make a review of the Eskinol Pimple fighting facial cleanser, Go check it out and see if it works on you! :)*

Here's a before and after photo of me after using Chin Chun Su Face Cream (6-8 months gap)

As you can see from my before picture, I was really a morena but i have minimal dark spots and pimple marks, I can actually count it on my 5 fingers how few my spots were on my face at that time, but my problem was my skin tone, It's too dark for my liking. On the after photo shot, my skin became fairer and somewhat lighter after 8 months or so *I'm not wearing any make up on both pictures, BTW* . BUT I now have pimple marks everywhere all over my face. You can't see it much on this photo except for the ones i have in my right cheek which is really visible. I won't blame it from using Chin Chun Su, i really became stressed out on my school works (Thesis, etc,) for that time duration so it triggered my PIMPLE BREAKOUT ALARM. Hopefully, this summer, I will be able to clear my face or lessen the appearance of my dark spots before i go apply for a job as a Flight Attendant or as a Hotel Front Office staff. *BS Tourism Management Graduate, Baby!!*

DIRECTIONS FOR USE (based on the instructions on the label):

Wash face with warm water and mild soap before application. For best results, apply 2-3 times a day, morning, afternoon and bedtime. With your fingertips, get a small amount of cream and spread gently on face in an upward stroke. Rub well into the skin before it disappears. Apply more and frequently on blemishes, on the neck and also as a make up base for cosmetics. This cream can be worn day and night to help dry out pimples and make your skin smooth.


When used for the first two weeks, more pimple will appear than before. This is a physiological reaction. The cream can get through the surface of the skin and clear up all the dirt in the skin. Do not stop using the product and the pimples will gradually disappear, this will make your skin smooth again. Those that are sensitive to the cream have red swell or itchiness on the face, don't be afraid. Temporarily stop using the cream and instead use egg white for 2 days after which, continue to use the cream.


For my personal usage, i only apply it once or twice a day, once if i'm only gonna stay home for the whole day and won't be needing to put on any make up *I use this as a make up base* I apply it just before bedtime. Twice if i'll be going out.

Would I RECOMMEND this product?

Yes, i would. As you can see, if you want to achieve whiter complexion without spending too much money on one product, then i suggest you try this baby out. It costs me only Php16.00 per pot, some drugstore sell it for Php20-25, but still very affordable. It helped me a lot in becoming fairer and even toned, but then again, don't expect too much on its ability to make your pimples/acne disappear. I would still recommend everyone to watch your diet and drink lots of water. You can NEVER go wrong with that one. 


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Eskinol Pimple Fighting Facial Deep Cleanser review

“All little girls should be told they are pretty, even if they aren't.” 
― Marilyn Monroe

Every lady *inside or out* wishes to have a pimple/acne-free skin, regardless whether or not you are born rich, poor or even beyond the marginalized poor. So, here I am ready to talk about my initial reaction and later on, my review about using Eskinol Pimple fighting facial deep cleanser.

Eskinol has been around the market for as long as I could remember. My mom used it when I was a kid, my Aunt used this, my cousins uses them still and  majority of people i know used and still uses the product and claims that it worked on them, so having an acne prone skin? off to the drugstore I go and bought myself the 135ml bottle.

I was really excited to try this one out since i had been using a different cleanser/toner for the past few months and since i don't see any changes in regards to using this product, i thought that maybe it is time to change my cleanser/toner. And I guess Eskinol is just the right product to try out.

First and foremost, this is what the product promises to do:

  • Removes deep seated dirt, excess oil and make up with Micro-cleanse Anti-bacterial Formula
  • Dries up pimples in as early as 3 days *with Dermaclear Formula which contains Salicylic Acid and Tea Tree extracts.
  • With Vitamin B3 and Chamomile Extract to lighten pimple marks and help soothe redness *Based on clinical tests*
This is how the product looks like:

As you can see, I am nearly half way through with this product, and I must say, it really did its job to help clear my acne and keep them at bay. Right now, i don't have any new pimples or acne but I am battling my endless acne scars :(( I am currently on my 2nd week of using this product and I'm keeping my fingers crossed with this one since I'm really seeing improvements with my skin upon my first week. 

Yes, I know that i think this a great of a product, but there are still certain things that i find uncomfortable *in my opinion* with this product so I will be listing the pros and cons of this one.

  • Really removes deep seated dirt even after washing my face with a facial wash/soap
  • Skin feels refreshed after using
  • Skin feels light and smooth
  • Dries up pimple in as early as 3 days!
  • Face stings and reddens *need to fan out my face just to ease the sting* for the first 10-20 seconds after application

Would I RECOMMEND this product?

Yes, I would definitely recommend this product to all those out there who is on the look out for a clearer and more acne free face but on a tight budget. The result would definitely not be an overnight process, but as early as 3 days, you'll be able to see your acne/ pimples drying out, and it's really worth my price budget and by budget, I mean "Budget", this product only costs me Php64.00 for a 135ml bottle. Good for a month of use (I only use this every night before I go to bed) Steal huh? :)


You can buy this at any local drugstore available at your location especially if you're living in the Philippines. It's always available and never out of stock. For those living outside the Philippines, Ebay sells it for like $20 for 5 small bottles on their site.

- Lauren